Intriguing ‘Iraivi’ Movie Title Look Poster, Excellent work by Tuney John
Karthik Subbaraj’s upcoming Tamil film Iraivi (Goddess) First Look Poster is out. It has very intriguing design. Fans loved the Creative design of the Title look and they are now excited for the First Teaser which is to be out in two days on 8th January. Iraivi Movie Stars Vijay Sethupathi, S. J. Surya, Bobby Simha and Anjali.
First Look movie Poster is base for any movie promotion. Many makes decisions and conclude the film based on the First Look and Teaser only. After this Teaser Poster leak, film started floating with good craze. This Creative title poster designed by Tuney John, famous creative designer and founder of 24am.
Its Uniquely made Title poster. Fans had now lots of expectations from the film, they started speculating as film gonna be Intense family drama or more than that. Its been reportedly noted that most of the scenes in the movie were shot in Dharavi. Film Music given by Santhosh Narayanan and Cinematography by Sivakumar Vijayan. Its Joint Production of Thirukumaran Entertainment and Studio Green. Stay Tuned for More updates.