Akshay Kumar announced his next movie ‘Crack’ with Neeraj Pandey
Akshay Kumar’s Neeraj Pandey Production film Rustom released last Friday and Buzzing the Town and now on the Great Occasion of Independence Day Akshay Kumar revealed about his one more Upcoming film Titled Crack Starring Akki in and As Crack. Here is the Crack movie Poster, Directed by Neeraj Pandey.
Akshay Kumar and Neeraj Pandey’s films remained always hit at the Box Office. After Giving Special 26, Baby, Rustom together, Actor-Director duo is back with one more Promising film Titled Crack – Every Storm has a Rage. Every Rage has a Story.
“This time,we come together for ‘CRACK’ – A Neeraj Pandey film. Releases Independence Day weekend 2017.Need your love”, Akshay Kumar Twitted
Friends, I’m happy to share with you that after Special 26 and Baby, in 2017, I’m collaborating with Neeraj Pandey once again! – Akshay Kumar Added
This time,we come together for ‘CRACK’ – A Neeraj Pandey film. Releases Independence Day weekend 2017.Need your love pic.twitter.com/YcOeNkl38j
— Akshay Kumar (@akshaykumar) August 15, 2016
Akshay Kumar and Neeraj Pandey cracked their upcoming film ‘Crack’ on the Festival of Independence day. Have a Look at Crack movie First Look Poster. Crack Movie Scheduled to release on Upcoming Independence Day 2017.